La qualité est notre priorité
La qualité est un investissement intelligent
Quality is doing it right when no one is looking," said auto pioneer Henry Ford. At RHO-TECH, we couldn't agree more!
Quality is at the core of our business model—it's our top priority. From the moment we purchase raw materials for extrusion and assembly, through our rigorous manufacturing process with strict quality checks and balances, all the way to product conformance testing after fabrication, we ensure quality every step of the way. This commitment extends right up to product delivery and on-site installation.
Our focus on quality control means continuous improvement in both our processes and products, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity. With these innovations come cost savings, which we pass on to you, our valued customers. And the benefits don’t stop there—our high-quality, durable products are built to last, ensuring long-term savings through lower maintenance costs.
By maintaining a strong emphasis on manufacturing quality, we deliver products that not only meet but exceed industry standards, providing you with reliable solutions that stand the test of time.
ISO and SANS Compliance
Says the Swiss-based International Organisation for Standards (ISO), an independent, non-governmental body responsible for developing voluntary international standards, standards make things work by ensuring quality, safety and efficiency. This emphasis on the importance of quality is reiterated by the South African Bureau of Standards, which explains that our national standards also help protect us from low grade, cheap imports.
To demonstrate our commitment to quality, we conform to an extensive list on national and international quality standards, including:
ISO 9001: 2015 – Requirements for a Quality Management System
IS0 4427-1:-2019 – Plastic Piping Systems: PE Pipes and Fittings for Water Supply
ISO 21307: 2017 – Plastic Pipes and Fittings: Butt Fusion Jointing Procedures for PE Pipes and Fittings Used in the Construction of Gas and Water Distribution Systems
ISO 10268: 1993 – Earth-Moving Machinery: Retarders for Dumpers and Tractor-Scrapers – Performance Tests
SANS 1882: 2024 – Polymer Concrete Surface Boxes, Manhole Inspection Covers, Gully Grating and Frames.
ISO 45001 – Internationally applied Standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.
In addition, we’re working on full compliance with these:
ISO 14001 – Environmental Management
We take these practical steps to ensure full compliance with relevant standards, regulations and laws:
Suppliers are audited and selected based on their ISO 9001 compliance
We regularly conduct internal audits to ensure on-going compliance with ISO 9001: 2015
Our internal Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) system ensures compliance with South Africa’s Occupational Health and Safety Act, No. 85 of 1993
Encouraging buy-in and responsibility for EHS amongst our co-workers and the industry at large through education and training initiatives
Manufacturing procedures, including PE butt fusion jointing procedures, pipe extrusion, welding and fibreglass fabrication all in accordance with relevant ISO and SANS standards, as above
Compliance with local construction and municipal regulations, to the full satisfaction of local authorities, government departments and private enterprises.