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HDPE welding machines

Machine Rentals

HDPE Fusion Equipment Rentals

Our fusion machines are not only regularly maintained but are of exceptional quality and premium design. Get in touch with RHO-Tech to secure your fusion equipment rentals.

We’ll back your project
The Certified RHO-Tech Rental Program is active around the globe, with an industry-leading distribution network that meets you at your point of need, conveniently and reliably.
Our rental distributors are individually audited to ensure the RHO-Tech standard is always met – guaranteeing you the same quality service regardless of your location. We provide genuine fusion machines and parts at your disposal, and throughout your project’s lifespan, our on-hand, factory-trained team adheres to strict inspections and maintenance requirements.
When you rent an RHO-Tech fleet, you experience ultimate peace of mind – from project start to finish.
TracStar® 900i Series

McELROY’s TracStar 900i Series is a self-propelled, all-terrain fusion machine capable of butt fusing pipe from 12” IPS to 36” OD (340mm to 900mm).

McElroy Trademark company name
McElroy Machine: Tracstar 900i

TracStar® 900i

​McELROY’s TracStar 900i Series is a self-propelled, all-terrain fusion machine capable of butt fusing pipe from 12” IPS to 36” OD (340mm to 900mm).

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